
l to r: a half frozen lake nearby my home; a pretty sundown over the philly skyline;

a throwback from a lovely evening stroll in florence; chatting over a latte with my best friend;

sherbet that i would say yes to on a much warmer day; new kicks (nike free! love those);

cold day errands with possibly the best caramel macchiato

ever made;

sushi dates with my dad.

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January has been bitterly, bitterly cold. Some of my new favorite things are sushi dates with my dad.

Who knew I liked sushi? This is a new development, as of this past summer. My favorite is shrimp tempura.

Is that even real sushi, sushi snobs? I don't know. But steps. 

Another new favorite thing of mine is my pair of Nikes. I've hopped on the neon trend, maybe two years too late.

I went on my first run with them last week and really felt like I was wearing air. Does that sound weird?

Other oldies but caffeine, evening lights in the city, and of course...italy!

what has january been bringing you so far? ciao, xo