summer party {festa dell'estate}

The summer family party is a legendary tradition that goes WAY back into my early years of living in this house. We have so many boxes of old photos in what I call the "archives," - photos of parties from the past, the famous 'family portrait,' lists of food and things that "went" and didn't "go." Ah, the rush that precedes the family party. I always looked forward to it - but this year it was my sister's college graduation (see here for that) and it was the perfect opportunity to tie an occasion to the party (as if we needed one)!

The family party, now the family/graduation party, actually took a hiatus for a year or so and became an every-other-year kind of event. It was busy because we were all either in college, or graduating, or going on a different vacation (I have three siblings - it gets busy around here). People thought that we dis-invited them at some times, I think - noo! we just weren't having the party.

Anyway, this year, as expected, was very fun. It was stunning outside - low humidity and 85 degrees. Guests trickled in starting at about 4pm, and thanks to the methodical planning of my mother, things were ready to go for about an hour before the party. We actually had time to get ready ourselves! It was great. It was nice to catch up with everyone and indulge a little in the food. I made cupcakes, and the dish that I couldn't get enough of was an orrichete and pesto pasta...


I think I am addicted to pasta. It's a problem.

The most fun part of the night, in my opinion, was when the sun went down and we hit the bonfire. We experimented with sparklers and long-exposure photography in the dark. We had glowsticks out and the deck was illuminated with fairy-lights. The majority of the guests camped out around the lights on the deck and regaled each other with their own tales and stories. Plenty of food, beer, sangria (made by yours truly!), and snacks to go around. Another perfect summer party for the books.

ciao, xo